Membership to ACCOSCA
There are two main categories of membership:

Full Members
Full Membership applies to all national organizations (Leagues, Associations, Unions, Federations, Agencies, Promotion Committees) of cooperative savings and credit cooperatives that are based or operate in the continent of Africa or any of the off-shore islands.
The government commonly recognizes these in their respective countries as being the organization representing Savings and Credit Cooperatives in that country.

Associate Members
Associate membership is open to other stakeholders in the co-operative financial institutions, mainly service providers. However, associate members cannot buy shares and do not have voting power.
Application Guidelines
Membership applications can be submitted to the executive secretary. They shall be approved by the president or chairperson and witnessed by the secretary of the registered National Association or promotion committee.
The application should be submitted alongside the following:
- Filled Application form available online
- Country’s law/ decree under which the organization is registered.
- National Association/promotion committee by-laws or rules.
- Copy of the resolution to join the Confederation passed by the organization’s General Meeting.
- A membership fee shall accompany the application form.
Our Members
Eastern Region

Southern Region

Western Region