Voice For Women and Girls Project

The Co-operative Development Foundation of Canada (CDF Canada) and ACCOSCA have initiated a cooperation project in the spirit of supporting marginalized communities by improving the economic and social wellbeing of 50,000 people (especially women and girls) in five countries in Africa.
The project known as “VOICE” will pursue innovative strategies around Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, Men, and Girls, Growth that works for everyone, Environment and climate action, and Inclusive governance. The project reflects both CDF Canada’s and ACCOSCA’s commitment to SDG5 (Gender Equality and Empowerment) and SDG 8 (Decent Work for All).
Project Objectives
- Enhancing Institutional and partner capacity to manage and support volunteers.
- Increasing performance of implementing country partners to deliver more inclusive, innovative, and environmentally sustainable initiatives that advance gender equality.
- Improving acceptance of women’s economic empowerment to promote growth that works for everyone.
- Improving the capacity of primary cooperatives and their members to support marginalized and vulnerable people, particularly women and girls.
- Improving an enabling environment for cooperatives to include marginalized and vulnerable people, particularly women and girls.