who we are
The African Confederation of Co-operative Savings and Credit Association
ACCOSCA is a Pan-African confederation of national associations of savings and credit cooperatives societies. ACCOSCA opened its doors in 1968 and is currently governed by domicile laws and the ACCOSCA constitution. It enjoys goodwill gestures from its members and other stakeholders keen on making Africa a better place to live.
The General Assembly, which currently comprises twenty-nine countries, is the highest organ of the organization. The General Assembly is held annually and in different member states within the region. It ensures that the activities of ACCOSCA remain relevant in meeting the challenges faced by Africa.
The year ACCOSCA was established.
Years we have been active.

Countries we operate in
Trainings we have conducted.

Our Strategic Objectives
- Gender Equality: Reducing Gender Disparity.
- Youth Inclusion: Mainstreaming youth Initiatives in SACCOs
- Regulatory and supervision: Improving regulatory and compliance knowledge
- Governance Principles: Promoting best Governance practice.
- Financing Inclusivity – Technology: Promoting Digital Financing service for more comprehensive Rural and Urban Outreach
- Climate Action: Adopt and maintain sustainable corporate activities and green finance in our operations.
Our Vision
To promote Financial Inclusion in Africa
Our Mission
To sustainably empower SACCOs in Africa through technical programs